Saturday, September 18, 2010

Project Problems

            For the “Group Think” project in Inquiry, I was in a group with Madison, Ryan, and Jackie.  We found that it is harder than it seems to do a group project.  We discovered that the only days all four of us could meet were on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  This was because Ryan and I have late classes on Mondays and Wednesdays, I am a commuter student, and Ryan leaves school on the weekends because he has to work.
            We found it difficult to keep in touch sometimes too because we would have to rely on each group member to have their phone with them so that we could text each other where we were going to meet and when.   However, even with all of these difficulties, we managed to get together and put our presentation together.  We had to put trust in each other to have the meanings of each of the words for the presentation, and we also had to put trust in Jackie because she was the one who was putting the actual presentation together for us.

            In the future, I think that we should start the project as soon as we can (preferably the day it is given) even if we just discuss what we are going to do and get ideas together.  Procrastination is definitely something I suffer from and something that probably a lot of other college students suffer from.  Taking projects and assignments a little at a time all along is a lot better than waiting until the last minute to get everything done at once.  I think that we need to try different methods of going about doing group projects to make the doing the assignment more affective.

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