Saturday, October 16, 2010

Trip to Quinnipiac

On Tuesday, my friend Sarah and I went to visit our friend Emily who goes to Quinnipiac University in Hamden.  Emily had given us directions, but we wanted to make sure that we would have zero chances of getting lost so we asked someone who works in the bookstore to give us directions too.  They were both the same way, but one was a more in depth set of directions than the other set of directions.  Even with the clear directions of where to go, we still ended up getting lost…several times.
We finally got to Quinnipiac from Southern, it only took us an hour to get to a school in the next town over…we’re not very successful when it comes to following road directions.  We ended up needing to call Emily quite a few times so that she could tell us where we needed to go and get reassurance from her that we were going the right way.

            Getting lost on this trip made me think about how college is kind of like a road trip.  In order to get to where we want to go in life, we need to go to college first.  College is the road that we pave to find our way to our final destination.  We might get lost on the way, but everything will eventually work out.  Either we’ll find our way back to the path ourselves, or we ask for help and guidance from others to help us get back on the right path.

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