Saturday, October 2, 2010

INQ Questions

            For my Inquiry storytelling project, I am connecting time-management with motivation.  I already had an interview with a Psychology professor at Southern and asked him some questions about motivation.  The inquiry questions I asked him were how motivation works (the internal workings of motivation), I asked if motivation was different for children as opposed to teens and adults, and I also asked how one gets motivated.

            The answers I got to these questions were very interesting.  To the question about how motivation works, the Professor responded that there are two different kinds of motivation…physical, and mental motivation.  Physical motivation is when there is kind of a physical energy, such as hunger or thirst.  Mental motivation has to do with one’s thoughts.  There might be accomplishments one wants to achieve and be successful at, or he might want to obtain a material possession, or even praise, and he will also think about where it will get him in life.

            The Psychology professor also answered my question about children vs. teens, regarding motivation, and he told me what we had discussed in class when we had the readings about motivation.  He said that children are motivated more physically because they want the praise and acceptance of adults, they want adults to be pleased with them, which would make this an external form of motivation, whereas teens are motivated more internally (intrinsic).

            When I asked how one can become motivated, he responded that you should set goals.  You need to set specific goals and develop a belief system in those goals, and once you have done that, your efforts will be rewarded.  The trick to being rewarded for your efforts, though is that you need to be open to feedback and advice.

            I am getting really excited to do the next step of my project and see how I can connect time-management to motivation and see what students think about the relation of the two. 

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