Saturday, October 16, 2010

Lee Time!

            Having a peer mentor in my INQ class is a really good experience.  Lee is an awesome person and is real about everything.  She is very knowledgeable and insightful.  I think it’s really good that we have a peer mentor for our inquiry class because she can help us make the transition into being college students since she was in our position just a few years ago. 

            Lee is teaching us to find out who we are as people.  She has us do writing exercises to get us to think about who we are.  From these exercises, I’ve realized that I’m not really sure who I am yet.  I feel like I haven’t lived long enough yet to experience enough to give myself defining characteristics to say who I am as a person. 

            Having a peer mentor in class adds a lot to the class.  It makes it different than a regular college class.  Having Lee come into our class and have 15 minutes with us every Thursday spices up the class…it’s not just having a professor come in and lecture us or be in control of the class.  With Lee, we have more perspective on ideas and someone else to contribute to discussions.  Since she is in her last year in college, she knows how to give a “college answer” as well as how to think like a college student, which gives us a taste of how we need to start thinking and using information we learn in class to connect to other things we discuss in class.

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