Saturday, October 9, 2010

My Major is.....

            I’ve thought about a few different things that I might want to do with my life.  Some more realistic than others, but I like to think that even the ones that aren’t so realistic could be possibilities for my life.

            For as long as I can remember, the ultimate goal for my life was to be a singer.  At the young age of six or seven that seemed possible.  My voice has grown and improved over the years, but now that I’m a college student, I realize that making a career of singing is not exactly a very stable choice.  Not very may people “ooo” and “ahhh” over someone saying that she wants to be a singer…so I decided that that was kind of out of the picture.

            There was also a time in my life, just a few years ago, that I thought about being an interior designer.  I love colors and decorating rooms and putting themes to rooms.  I recently redecorated my bedroom and got new furniture and everything and literally spent two whole days getting it together.  I love the actual thinking about where all of the furniture pieces are going to go and trying to figure out the feng shui of the room.

            There is one more possibility that I am leaning most toward.  I really love to write.  Creative writing is my favorite style of writing.  I enjoy the expression it lets you have when writing.  Because of this, I think I might decide to be an English major.  When I tell people that, they immediately ask me if I’m going to be a teacher.  I really don’t think that I would want to be a teacher.  I don’t think that I would be good at teaching writing, I would rather actually write.  Maybe this means that one day I’ll be a writer, or a journalist or something and get to travel.  I don’t think I’ll decide until the very last minute though…I’m not very good with commitment to one thing and being held down to do it.  So we’ll see what life throws at me and where I end up. 

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