Saturday, November 6, 2010

Calm, Cool, and Collected?

Stress is something that I face every day of my life, multiple times a day.  I have a really big problem with stress and anxiety and try to relieve these problems as best I can.  For my performance class, part of our class and homework is to do yoga to help with being focused and relaxed.  I found that doing yoga really does help to keep my mind in one place and not think about everything else that is going on around me and in my life.  Everything has to be dealt with sooner or later, but unless you are in the proper mindset to deal with those things, you will just stress yourself out even more. 

It is important to be relaxed and feel relaxed, especially when stressed.  If yoga isn’t really your thing, we also learned deep breathing exercises that coincide with yoga and the poses.  Deep breathing is good to do no matter where you are so you don’t have to get up in the middle of a test and do the downward dog pose.  When you feel stressed or feel that you will soon become stressed, do some deep breathing.  I do that when I’m stuck in traffic because I get really stressed and I will admit to having a small case of road rage.  Instead of lashing out irrationally when I’m behind the wheel, I take the safer approach of breathing deeply. 

If you are prone to getting anxiety or being stressed out, it is important to do deep breathing exercises regularly because if you familiarize your body with how to become relaxed when you are feeling stressed, your body will recognize that you are stressed when you are and will automatically know what to do in order to handle the stress and relax you.

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